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Category : Organic Fertilizer Agriculture
An Organic fertilizer for home Gardening and Agricultural crops.
Aindhinai Panjakavya is an organic liquid fertilizer that plays major role in promoting growth and providing immunity to plants. Panjakavya is a plant booster prepared mainly from five by-products of indigenous cows. It possesses all the major and micro nutrients & growth hormones required for plant growth.
Benefits :1.Leaves: Plants sprayed with Aindhinai Panjakavya produce bigger leaves; it also enhances the photosynthesis process.2.Stem: It improves branching, and helps in producing more off shoots, which are sturdier.3.Roots: Roots grow deeper, increasing the intake of nutrients and water. They also become denser and remain fresh for a longer time.
Application :Foliar sprays - Dilute 100 ml in 10 litres of water and spray on the leaves with a sprayer or watering can.
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